White Necked Jacobin in flight with tropical flower

One of the best reasons I can think of to visit Costa Rica for a hummingbird photographer is the 50 different species in the region. From natural light to single flash to multi-flash, one has many choices for their approach. Although it is dark in many of the settings where flash is required, there are opportunities for natural light photography.

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Iso-1400, 300 mm at F6 .3, 800th, single flash at -3, handheld, just under full frame
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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This is really nice David. Very nice pose you caught and the blur in the wings and tail give it a natural look. Nice background. Has a slight flashed look to me but not too much.

Great wing position, David. The -3 on the flash worked nicely to add some pop without darkening the background unduly Since you were at 300 mm, were you also using a diffuser on your flash? I ask because there is a bit of a flashed look to the flower and that might have reduced it. I don’t know, never having tried this, just seems like something that might work if one were close enough.