Wild Grape Vine

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The extreme brightness of the green leaf lying across the old log created a great contrast.

Technical Details

A stacked image with some areas left out of focus so as not to be distracting. There was a slight breeze that affected the smaller leaf which left bright as it has no details.

Gary, this is an exciting study in textures. The tree’s rough bark is an interesting background to the green leaf and the bud to the right of the large leaf. You mention the large green leaf. Is that your primary focus? My eye keeps going back and forth from that leaf to the bud. I am not sure what is the main story of the picture. Careful use of spotlighting could emphasize the focal point. I took the liberty of trying to show you what I mean. Here is a screen shot of the layers in PS. I croped to decrease the back ground at the bottom and then darkend that area to pull the eye to the top of the log. Then I applied a vinette and a spotllight to the green leaf. This helps say look at me first.

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Really cool contrast and textures in this image, Garry. Like Barbara, my eye kept getting pulled by the small bright leaf and the vegetation under the log. My solution was to sacrifice part of the log and get rid of the distractions by cropping more tightly, something like this:

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