Window Seat

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


October 2022, Cascade Mountains

Technical Details

ISO 100, 42mm, ƒ/6.3, and about 15mm of acrylic airplane window filter

Hi, Benjamin. The Cascades always offer such beautiful views. The one you shared from your plane window is very beautiful. Those clouds and mountains in the background, especially in the URC, grabbed my attention. Photographing from inside a plane and through an acrylic widow does not give a photographer much room to control the results. Your technical details do not say what camera you used, but I’d suspect it was from a cell phone. Overall, I find the image a bit soft, except for the URC. You could even have another photo just with that area. True, you’d be missing a lot of the smoke. Anyway, the softness in the clouds creates a very pleasing effect.

Do you have any specific aspects of the image that you’d like users to comment and/or offer more feedback?

The overlapping ranges are awesome viewed through the smoke filter, Benjamin. From your description, I’m guessing this was a small plane, since jets usually have double layer windows that make things even harder. The composition is excellent with the huge pool of smoke holding down the foreground and the hint of repetition toward the rear. I’m not bothered by the softness that Egidio mentions as you’d already have a considerable amount of that from the smoke itself.

@Dennis_Plank , I want to reiterate that the softness does not bother me.

… never posting here again, bye

I love the softness. There’s a graphic feel to the mountains - kind of like paper cutouts - and the organic quality of the smoke juxtaposed against them. The complementary colors of the blue mountains and orange smoke work well and having only the two simplifies the image. Overall, I find this to be an interesting image.

Thats a nifty image…sad for the smoke but happy for the effect!