A pair of Gadwall Ducks with the winter mountain as a back-drop. We have Gadwalls at the Valdez tide flats pretty much all year round but we’ve been seeing quite a few more lately.
Sony a6500, FE200600G @ 600mm (900 mm w/crop factor), ISO-250, f/6.3, 1/4000, hand held. small crop for composition.
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Really pretty ducks with the male showing off some colors. I like the nice detail you were able to capture. Well done.
Nice image Gary. The birds appear sharp and it is always nice to show them in their environment as you have here.
However, the background does appear patchy and somewhat distracting . Not sure how you can correct this without a decent amount of surgery
Hi Gary, great to get both birds so sharp flying - well done. Especially like the pose of the rear duck showing the wing colors. I rather like this unique environmental setting.
Hi Gary,
The BG is different and goes very well with these ducks. You might be able to do some masking and run a gaussian blur layer to control some of the blotchiness of the BG if desired. I like it as presented…Jim
Wow. Excellent detail in this flight shot. And I like the background; much better than blue sky. Great image.
One fine image, Gary. Such detail in both ducks. I also like the background. I sure don’t see how it could be any better.