Oooh corn stubble. Good catch. My first impression is one of strong lines and contrast with the shadows, but then I get to that horizon…it’s my nemesis, too - I always tilt and have to straighten in post.
Hi Kat and welcome aboard. Interesting scene, with quite the abstract look. I would be inclined to run with that concept and crop out the sky, probably in the version with the level horizon so the rows run off to infinity. An alternative concept, anyway. Intriguing first post and looking forward to seeing more of your work and reading your thoughts on the work of others!
Welcome to NPN Kat, and thank you for sharing this image with us. I like that there are two related patterns here, the stakes and their shadows. Triangle shapes are powerful composition elements, and you have made strong use of them here. The tilted horizon is distracting, and the horizon should be leveled if yo leave the sky in the image. The suggestion to crop by @Harley_Goldman is a good one, and if you completely eliminate everything but the field, there is no need to correct the tilt IMO.