Hi Kat! I really like this scene! The old falling down fence goes well with the dried up grasses behind it, all together in the deep beautiful snow! I can really feel the quiet and peace of a winters day when everything is blanketed in snow and sounds are muffled. Great capture!
Well seen. I like the shapes here, but think if the post were a bit more to the left it would be a stronger composition. I brought it into Lr and saw that pretty much all your whites are blown out - meaning they are overexposed to the point where they are pure white with no detail left in them. If you did this in post to make it a high-key image that’s one thing, but if not, I suggest you lower your exposure for snow a little. Yes, you have to overexpose to get snow to come out white, especially when there isn’t a reflection of the sky in it, but not to the point of losing all the texture in it. Use your histogram as a guide or turn on a highlight clipping indicator in your camera.
Once you have that under control, this type of scene is a good candidate for B&W conversion. It has a simplicity of form, but yet isn’t weighty and stands out well against the snow. Hope that helps.
Kat, this is a fine, graphic look at this post, fence and weeds. I think that having all of the whites “blown” makes this nicely graphic, letting the shapes of the subjects dominate the view. There is a problem near the right edge, where there are a bunch of weed “tops” flying in the white space.
Thanks for your feedback. I did up the exposure when editing to make the snow less grey. When I toned it down, using exposure slider I ended up with grey snow again. I am working on learning on how to use the histogram effectively. I did not pay attention to it when I took this shot.
Hi Kat, the histogram info for this image is interesting. I think the effect of the blown out whites contrasting with the shapes and lines and shadows makes the image interesting also.
Following @Mark_Seaver ideas about the stalks on the right that look like they are floating - here is an example with them removed. Not sure whether it improves the image the way I did it though.