Wisconsin Bluejay

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Wisconsin Bluejays taken through my bedroom window.

Technical Details

ISO 200 360mm 0ev f5.3 1/160s

Hi Jamie, a fine image for a grab just outside of your window. These are truly gorgeous & healthy looking Bluejays… :sunglasses:
I do not do avian photography anymore but still post process a lot of landscape scenes. I took a few minutes and made a few changes to the image for just some thoughts for another look. I made changes to the Mid Tones in Color Balance. As always things are very subjective and it’s personal preference in the end. I also did some Sharpening and Vibrance too. Again, all subjective ideas.
Layer>New Layer> Color Balance> Mid Tone > +5 Red + 5 Magenta > +15 Yellow

Thanks Paul I can see the difference. I appreciate your advice.

You’re quite welcome, Jamie… :cowboy_hat_face:

Beautiful birds in a nice setting. I like the environmental feel and the soft colors of the environment. I think the work of @Paul_Breitkreuz elevates an already fine image. Great capture.

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Hi Jamie,

Paul did a fine re-work of your image and it looks pretty good. Window glass functions as a low budget filter and sometimes degrades the micro-contrast and details present in the subject matter. Overall an interesting comp and hopefully you will be able to capture more images of these jays…Jim

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It’s really cool that you got the two of them together, Jamie, and I like the composition. Paul’s rework did add some punch to the image. The only think else I’d suggest is that you increase your iso and shutter speed. 1/160 at 360 mm is pushing the limits for a handheld image, though with modern in-camera and lens stabilization I think the old rules need modifying a bit. You don’t mention your processing software, but if you could either subdue or clone over that bright sprig of needles in the upper right corner I think it would help-it tends to draw my eye.

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