Yellowstone Bacterial Colorations 2

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Not far from where my last image was taken I spotted this gooey looking orange slime and tried to make a decent composition of it. While my last image was several feet across, this image was quite a bit tighter. This probably isn’t more than 4 feet by 3 feet or so. I had enough wind to keep the steam from ruining the images (3 images were taken front to rear for sharpness) and when there is no wind you almost always get at least one or two of your stackable images hazy with steam.
There was cloud cover so the light was relatively flat making for good shooting conditions. Oddly enough, this was shot almost mid-day. This is a stream right off the road that I’ve never ever seen anyone else shoot. You have to park and hike back a half mile or so and maybe that’s why but it holds countless compositions and the bacterial formations are different than anywhere I’ve seen in the park.

Specific Feedback

Does the sharp texture of the left portion of the image mesh well with the gooey, slimy portion of the right side of the image?
I’ve added a bit of contrast and 21 points of vibrance to this image. Did I go overboard or does it sit well with you.

Technical Details

Nikon Z8, ISO 160, 70-200mm lens @90, F/13 (3 shots stacked), 1/60th, tripod

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

David, this is a fine look at another YNP Bacterial mat. I’m especially attracted to all of the subtle textures in the upper left (above the LLC to URC diagonal line). While you may have pushed the vibrance a bit much, the orange mat doesn’t have that “blacklight orange” the is easy to get, so I think it’s okay. It does contrast well with the subtle colors and shapes above and there’s a nice swing back towards the left near the top. It’s always fun to get away from the road or parking area in YNP because that means that you’re seeing things that roughly 90% of the visitors don’t see.

Wonderful textures. I love these bacterial deposits there. I like the juxtaposition of the textured and smooth areas. Makes for a nice contrast. I don’t think the color is overdone. Nicely composed.

Thank you @Mark_Seaver and @Chris_Baird for your comments.
Mark, I love to try and shoot something unique and different from what the crowds are shooting. You usually don’t have to wander that far off to find something incredible. I was in this one spot for at least a couple of hours and had the entire place to myself. Not sure many if any people ever wander near where this was shot. Too bad because there are some wonderful bacterial mats.
Chris, thanks for the feedback. I thought the juxtaposition was what was interesting in this image. I’m glad that you took notice of that. It’s also what I was worried about because the two different sections that Mark points out are completely different.
Thanks again to both of you. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

David, I think you contrast between the sharp and soft works well together. And I don’t feel the saturation is over done. Nicely done. You have a great eye to pick these compositions out.

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Another fascinating image. I prefer your prior post due to the flow lines, but this is wonderful as well. The sharp/vs. soft contrast is a bit disorienting, but not a deal breaker. I think the color looks fine as is (but then, I tend to like vivid color so take that with a grain of salt).

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Hi David,
This is an amazing intimate landscape and would make a wonderful companion piece to your prior post. I think the colors are fascinating, especially all of the rust toned hues. I do like the contrast between the textured areas toward the ULC and the smoother tones of the LRC. For my personal tastes I think the colors look just fine. Great eye to isolate this scene.

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