Yellowstone Mood #1 + Rework

REWORK with @Ian_Cameron’s suggestion:


Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I just returned from a Yellowstone Park workshop with David & Jennifer. We had a grand time visiting the thermal features to look for intimate scenes (although we didn’t pass up the grand landscape if one presented itself). This photo is of some “bobby socks” trees, so called because they take up silica-rich water, which then evaporates leaving white “socks” on the trees. They are quite characterful.

Specific Feedback

I’m fairly satisfied with this, but always welcome suggestions.

Technical Details

Screen Shot 2023-09-26 at 7.23.42 PM

Processed in ACR and PS, although not much was needed. Brought out a bit of detail on the two main tree trunks, adjusted the exposure, and brought out more color in the grasses.


I love those trees!! Haven’t been there in way too long!

This is wonderful – the fog and mist is so fitting for the mysterious trees. The high key is perfect. They are leaning askew wondering what will befall them next.

Haunting. I love this place as well. My images didn’t come out this good. High key is the way to go. I guess it’s a timing issue with these mists. You want them to reveal some bg subjects but not too much. I like the image as it is. It might be interesting to lighten up some of the grass on the bottom and the left to see what that does. I actually like that leaning log on the left. He’s kind of different.

I’m excited to see more. #1 means there is more to come. Oh boy.

Hi Bonny,
that looks fantastic. The mist around the dead trees creates a mystical atmosphere.

The workshop sounds like a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see more results.

I love it the amount of visibility within the mist and the colour saturation is just perfect. Now ironically the only thing I don’t like is the diagonal buttress which sticks up and apparently supports the left side tree, the one that curls across the ground beside it is just fine but I must admit if you were so inclined and able to do so I might try to eliminate it or reduce its clarity so it blends into the mist more. Great shot anyway though.

Thanks, @Diane_Miller, @Igor_Doncov, @Jens_Ober, and @Ian_Cameron.

Definitely. You get your composition and then wait for the steam to part (or not, depending on what you want).

Well, let’s hope the rest can live up to the first - ha.

I hear you on that, but I just couldn’t move around to get any negative space between the “butress” and the main tree, without ruining the rest of the composition. I don’t think I’d clone it out, but a decrease in clarity might be the ticket.

Bonnie, this image “took my breath away”! It is strong while being mystical and colorful while being muted. I wouldn’t change a thing!

Bonnie, Haunting! What’s to say that the comments already don’t cover. I love the high key look. And, the more I look the more I see beyond and within the mist and fog - isn’t that the whole point. Also, thanks Bonnie for your contribution to Nature Vision Magazine.

Bonnie, another fine look through YNP’s mists. I think going 4x5 works well here in terms of balancing the horizontals and verticals. You’ve also isolated a good balance of trees and stumps. The warm colors of the fall grasses/reeds add a nice bit of warmth to offset the chill of all the whites and blues. Were you there for the Aurora last week? David got an Aurora pic published in the Washington Post.


Wonderful image from YNP. I’ve not been fortunate enough in visiting this place (as photographing adult…) so I envy those who have been able to visit. If this is any indication of the success of your visit and workshop… I’ll be anxious to see more of your images from the trip.

Agree with Mark on his comment. I like balance between the verticals and horizontal nature of the landscape. The 3 main trees and handful of stumps are just as well balanced. And the warmth of the autumn grasses and the coolness of the stark trees are yup, balanced nicely as well.

No nits or suggestions. Just enjoyment.


Thanks, @Susanna_Euston, @Larry_Greenbaum, @Mark_Seaver, and @Lon_Overacker.

I love this description - I may steal it!

No, David got that shot the night before the workshop started. By the time we got there, it was quite cloudy, so no aurora for us.

It’s quite the landscape! But very croweded!! We missed the crowds by going early and late, avoiding the middle of the day.

I thought this might be yours when I first saw it. Nicely composed. You did a good job bringing order out of chaos. I do think the rework helps by removing the distracting trees on the left. I hope you had an uneventful trip home.

Hi @Chris_Baird. My trip home was uneventful, but long. Hope your northern loop tour was lovely.

I’m just back from my Yellowstone trip so I probably just missed you guys but this certainly bring the memories right back. You have tremendous atmosphere in this image because of the mist from the hot springs. It gives the image an earie look and feel to it. I love the color contrast at the bottom with the grasses since the rest of the image is basically black and white. It makes the tree trunks really stand out. I shot similar scenes on my trip but I didn’t have the atmosphere that you got in this image. It really stands out as does your composition. Well done. OK, on to the next in the series. :slight_smile: