Hello everyone! Today I discovered NPN and I’m so glad I did. I’m genuinely looking for some constructive criticism. I’m struggling with this particular image, not sure the if the composition works or not. Moreover comments on the post processing are also very welcomed. Think I might have overcooked it.
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This is a solid take on the falls. It has good top to bottom continuity and zoomed in, the water looks good. The comp gives a good take on the enormity and power of the falls. I can’t think of any suggestions.
I look forward to seeing more of your work and reading your thoughts on the work of others. Welcome again.
First of all, Lefteris, I would like to welcome you to NPN. So glad that you found the site. I have found it to be a wonderful friendly community of photographers, that have helped me improve my photography. As for your image of Yosemite Falls, I am enjoying it. Love the composition, the fog/mist in it. I don’t get to travel much anymore (and this place is on my bucket list), so not as well versed in landscape, so I will leave the critiquing to someone who knows more about it than me. It does help though, if you can provide the camera settings. I am really looking forward to seeing more of your images.
First of all, welcome to NPN Lefteris. I like the composition. In addition to providing a unique perspective (at least for me) of this waterfall, I like how you have framed the waterfall with the trees. I also like the sense of scale and the power of the water conveyed in the image. One minor nit is that it appears to have a bit of a clockwise tilt
Thank you Shirley. Yosemite NP was a dream come true, specifically since I live in Greece and it was a big trip.
My setting were (I shoot M43 so I’m posting FF equivalent): 120mm @ F11 1/250sec
Thank you Brian. I see what you are saying about the clockwise tilt but I do believe that my reference point in terms of vertical orientation should be the waterfall. What do you think?
Welcome to NPN Lefteris, this is a nice first post, I’m glad that you found us. I think that your composition is fine, the trees do a nice job of framing the falls.
I think sometimes that certain elements in the landscape can create optical illusions about what is and is not level. The tree to the right of the waterfall “should” be straight, yet it looks like it is leaning to the right, which perhaps led to Brian’s comment. If you look at the cliffs near the top of the falls, some folks might think it is tilted counter clockwise. Looking at the water should be a decent way to evaluate it. But if you really want to be certain, go into Photoshop and throw a grid on it. Here is a screen capture of how that looks (the screen capture somehow messed up the grid, but you get the idea). To my eye, the flow of the main falls looks level, and suggests that perhaps that tree is naturally leaning slightly to the right on its own.
The first impression was that this is a unique composition. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this perspective before. The spray shows the power of the waterfall and gives more impact to the scene. Great first post. Welcome!
I do not see any leaning problem. In fact, this is one of the best takes on Yosemite Falls that I have seen. The atmosphere is fabulous for this photo and the way the trees surround the falls is just great.
Welcome to NPN and a terrific first post. This is a great take on such a common viewpoint of Yosemite Falls. In fact, I had to take a second look to make sure… Great framing of course, and I’m really liking your processing/treatment where the falls and granite are monochromatic, almost b&w, which are separating nicely with the trees in the foreground.
I don’t think the processing is “over cooked.”
I’m only wondering if you have some other frames with some different shutter speeds? Not that this one doesn’t work - it works well and I especially like the upper part of the frame where the massive amount of spray looks more like fog - or perhaps it is fog? Anyway, the lower falls maybe with a little more texture, faster shutter speed? Not a big deal however.
Hope to see you join up and post more images and participate in the critiques. Welcome!
Hi Lon, thanks for your input. Actually yes, I was quick to choose a frame to PP, and after I post it here I started looking for a better one, and I do have one with a quicker shutter speed, so the waterfall has a bit more detail. I processed it again and this one will be my “keeper”.