Yosemite Firefall

It’s almost time for this annual apparition – IF several things come together. I finally succeeded after probably 4 attempts. This was in 2016 and I haven’t tried since. It’s become so popular that I heard there is now a lottery for spaces.

A friend sent a good article about it:

Michael Frye has some lovely shots from up Four Mile Trail but says it is treacherous after dark in the snow. This was shot from the Galen Rowell spot, a couple of hundred feet east of the El Cap picnic area.

Specific Feedback Requested

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 5D3, 100-400 II at 188mm, f/5.6, ISO 800, 1,1500 sec to stop the feathery wind-blown spray, but there wasn’t as much of it as I was hoping for. Just a little highlights and shadows in LR, and minimal work in PS. Slight crop from the left to eliminate some branches, and a slight amount from the bottom. I’m tempted to go back and re-process it but this is as I did it at the time.


Looks good to me Diane. No nits from me.

I find it amazing that there is a lottery to shot a nature scene. As well as grand scenes I bet there’s some great opportunities for initiate and abstract scenes

Nice take on the iconic event. I could not enjoy it with the crowds and scene but it certainly is a sought-after image. No nits here, looks good.

Splendid image Diane. No nits from me either.

So beautiful, Diane. I can’t imagine what you could do to improve it. This place is on my bucket list.

Beautifully executed and presented Diane. You are very lucky to have experienced such an event.

Gorgeous, Diane. You’re so lucky to have been able to go there and get this image before the lottery. If it were mine (she said wishfully) I wouldn’t do any additional processing. Makes me feel like I’m there. Incredible.

Great capture Diane. Looks just about right to me.
I stopped going in 2017 after my second successful attempt because the crowds were just too much. I had to get to a spot about 6 hours or so ahead of time ad spend the day sitting there with hundreds of other people killing almost an entire day. It was great getting to know other photographers but it got to be out of control. I’m glad they finally implemented a lottery. This will keep the crowds down. Looks like there might be a couple of days over the next couple of weeks where the sun might peak through and light things up in the afternoon but it looks like a series of storms are coming through as well. It’s always a crapshoot. Fun nonetheless.
Anyway, your image brings back fond memories even if they are filled with huge crowds. :slight_smile:

Beautiful image Diane., with great light on the firefall. I also really love that golden cloud, and the way it makes the trees to the left of the falls more prominent. The level of detail you have in the shadows is perfect, great job on the processing here.

Great attempt with stunning results, love the golden firefall.

Thanks for sharing this. I hope you have this beauty printed and on your wall.

Thanks everyone! @Andrew_Sentipal, I do!!