Yosemite National Park Closures (Update/ 03/20)

Hi All,

For those of you planning to visit Yosemite, please be aware that the NPS has enacted closures in the park due to the Covid-19 virus.

Currently, the following closures are in effect: The park’s visitor centers, the Yosemite Valley Theater, Yosemite Valley Museum, and all restaurants and lodging in the park were closed.

Additionally, as of today, 3/19/2020, the closures include all campgrounds.

All closures are in effect until at least March 31st.

You can find more information and any updates at NPS Yosemite website.

Be safe and stay healthy out there everyone!

It makes it tough to visit the park if there is nowhere to stay.

Thanks for posting the info, Preston.

Update on Yosemite Closures…

As of 3 p.m. Friday 03/20, Yosemite National Park officials announced that the park would close to park visitors until further notice at the request of the local health department officials. The closure will be enforced 24/7.

Seeing that the governor shut down the entire state, that sure makes sense to close the park.

Well dang. I think I’ll wait til the 2nd week in April, then probably make the call to cancel my May reservation in Upper Pines.

hmmm, I wonder if Rec.gov will waive the $10 cancellation fee… not that I care about ten bucks…

Crazy and surreal times…