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Is this a composite: No
Canon 5D4; 500 mm; ISO 4000; 1/800 sec. at F4.
Is this a composite: No
Canon 5D4; 500 mm; ISO 4000; 1/800 sec. at F4.
What an interesting looking bird…I can only imagine the intensity of the adults. Those dark eyes. Reminds me of barred owls here in North America. Nice setting, too. A bit bright in the bg, but what can you do? Any chance of cloning in leaves in the LRC?
Hi J Rajput
I think the brighter green black ground pushes my eye to the Eagle Owl, witch I understand is the object of framing a photograph. Very nice looking owl.
Beautiful owl, Jagdeep. I like the composition as well. The bright background produced some blue fringing on the leaves and out of focus tree, particularly in the lower right corner that you might want to work on, but it’s a lovely image of this bird.
What a stunning image / bird ! Never seen it, and it looks great. The owlet itself looks great, good result with ISO4000 ! Cheers, Hans
Just a gorgeous bird. Would’ve loved to see this species when I was there. The juvenile plumage certainly gives it a unique look.
What a nice owl with those ear tufts. Toning down the saturation of the OOF leaves in the BG might be worth trying before printing. Still a fine image and love the barring on the plumage. Well done…Jim
This is such a cute owlet! I guess that’s what you call them. He looks like he’s smiling at you! You really got such great details in the beautiful feathers and face!
This is a great shot of a young Spot-bellied Eagle-owl (Bubo nipalensis) also known as the Forest Eagle-owl. Quite different from the Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) which we get here in Korea as elsewhere. The dark irises give it a very distinguished look - lovely photo.