Your Tern to dive

Although I got a few nice images from the local pond yesterday, I had higher expectations for finding other species. When I returned home, I noticed the neighborhood Terns were active and exhibiting some unusual behavior. Diving is normal but the skimmer like behavior in the second image is unusual. I’ve seen this behavior only a few times with Caspian Terns. Two of the Caspian terns made passes just over the water with their beaks open. I tried to catch that but here is the result.

These are both large crops and the white plumage is blown out in a few areas. Very difficult exposure because of the large crop.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
ISO 1250, 400+1.4 X, 5.6, 2000th, both very large crops

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You have some nice detail in the whites in the first shot and I like the water action in the second.

Great capture! I saw this behavior when I was at a wildlife refuge, it was awesome!

The first shot is a really nice diving shot of the classic Tern approach, David. the second is really interesting. I haven’t had a chance to watch terns that much, but it’s not a behavior I would have expected.

Your first one is nice and I can see the issue with the bright whites. Overall, getting action shots like these two photos iswell worth it. They might not be as perfect as you would like, but I find them enjoyable and piques my scientific interest for the second shot a lot. Well done…Jim

Although I wasn’t quick enough, several of the Caspian Terns had come down to water level and were flying within inches of the surface with open beaks parallel to the water surface and the lower part of the beak quite shallow but clearly in the water. Yesterday, when the image was taken, they repeated this behavior twice before heading off to another fishing ground. I’ve seen this behavior once a year. Most of the time they just dive into the water and catch their fish that way. Most of the time it’s just after the tide is returned or just before the tide is going down. They seem to have some type of signal to fish at certain tidal levels. Clearly fascinating to watch.

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In my experience unpredictable flyers, you managed very well ! Best, Hans

Hi David
Keeping a Tern in focus and frame correctly is a tricky thing to do. Of the two shot, I think the first is the best, it has better whites and detail than the second photograph.
Nice work.