5$ Flower

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I finally was able to get the colors pretty close to what my eyes see. Yellow is a very difficult color for most digital cameras and it took me several tries to get it close enough to reality.

Technical Details

z9 105mm f2.8 Micro 35 image stack, Levels, Hue & Saturation, crop for comp, Topaz DeNoise…Jim


It is difficult to avoid blowing out yellows. Not knowing what this looked like doesn’t really matter. The colors are gorgeous. The lighting actually seems to come through better in the color version than it did in B&W. Very well done, Jim.

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Looks perfect to me! (And the flower is gorgeous!) I suspect the problem may not be the sensors so much as the interpretation of the various color profiles. Have you tried the TK linear profile for your camera? It’s very flat at first but often more malleable in my limited experience.

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Jim: For an unrepentant color junkie this is close to nirvana. I think you did great with the yellow. Impactful image. :+1: :+1:>=))>

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