A Look Beyond

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Finding intimate compositions in the middle of a chaotic forest environment is by no means an easy task. On a recent visit to Redwoods National Park I was searching for just such a composition when I came across this scene. An opening in the base of the giant Redwood in the foreground enabled me to see another tree in the background. I liked how the soft light filtering down through the forest illuminated what can be seen through the opening of the tree.

Technical Details

Canon EOS R, 1/15 sec, f/16, ISO 640
Processed in Lightroom as an HDR merge of three separate exposures.


Ted, this is a beautiful image! I too, find it challenging to capture the feelings I get walking around forests. I love how you captured this beautiful light! The composition is beautifully done! Doing an HDR merge is very effective here! I can’t wait to hear what Tony says.

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Remarkable image, Ted, outstanding job of seeing. It’s easy to walk around half in a daze among these ancient giants, because I’ve done it.

I really like the juxtaposition of the dark, textured, detailed foreground, which is the portal to a bright, warm world of wonder. One may consider a two image stack, one image of the foreground tree and a second image of the background. Both are separated nicely, so it shouldn’t be a problem putting them together. But, If everything in an image is tack sharp, one may lose the sense of depth. It’s the slight softness of the background tree which sets it apart and creates the depth here.

Tremendous subject, composition, and interpretation.

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Thanks so much Julia. I really liked this composition the moment I saw it. The light on the tree in the background, along with the natural framing of the tree trunk in the foreground, is what worked for me.

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Tony’s comments sun it up beautifully! Soft focus in the background was such a wonderful choice!

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Thank you Tony for taking the time for this critique session. This image is one I captured recently, and I immediately thought it would be a good one to submit for your take on it. As I noted in my description, finding intimate compositions in a forest setting isn’t easy. I thought this one came together the moment I laid eyes on it.

You are very welcome, Ted. You have a winning image here.

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