Description: After last week when I had no picture to offer, this week I had quite a few and had a hard time choosing. I decided to go with this one that is capturing an experience I had shooting in an amazing place in the adirondaks in upstate ny in 2019 where you walk on bridges on a canyon above rushing water between waterfalls. It wasn’t easy to capture the amazing scenery but the picture attached is hopefully giving the sense of the place with the water rushing below you, the changing colors of the trees and the man on the bridge above peeking down. It looks crooked but I think it is not. it was hard for me to tell what is straight and what is not as there was no way to use a tripod there.
Specific Feedback Requested: any and all but especially on the post processing and if and how to even the light in different parts of the picture.
Pertinent technical details or techniques: sony a6000 24-70 lens, 55mm, f/11, 1/100, iso 4000 (it was quite dark in the canyon). Did some light corrections in light room.
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites) no