A small scene at the creek

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?

any. I’m not really sure of this image, I originally liked how the bubbles mimicked the ripples in the sand and how it led me deeper into the scene. But I don’t know, maybe it’s just a boring scene with too much going on .

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
single image focused on the bubbles f18 I used a polarizer to dapen the reflection a bit. processed in lightroom and photoshop .

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I like the concept here, and I like the lower part of the frame, especially the color pf the water and the matched ripples. The top portion of the photo feels busy to me. I wonder if the IQ would hold up if you cropped to just above the root coming into the water?

The water and the ripples are definitely the most interesting part of this image. The texture and colors in the water are quite good. But overall the image doesn’t really work for me because of the rest scene being too chaotic for me, it detracts from the water. I agree with @Lyle_Gruby that most of the distractions are the various branches in the top half of the scene, so perhaps a crop of the top would help focus more attention on the stream. I also find the white patch in the middle right to be an eye magnet, so i would also recommend burning that down.

You have an interesting subject here in the stream, but when composing this scene you need to consider if the other surrounding elements are either adding or detracting from the overall image.

Thanks for all the feedback. You confirmed most of my feelings. I may go back and see if I can maybe get into the water and lower down to really give some impact. I think I was a bit lazy on this one.

Good comments above. For me the top of the image isn’t so much too busy as too awkward, with the large trunk leaning out. Cropping down to the bottom of the trunk itself, but leaving the roots, could be worth a look. I’d also consider a subtle burn of the ferns in the LL. I like that my eye can take a deep dive into the reflected sky. Looks like a spot that’s definitely worth going again!

That blood red water is fascinating, and I like your idea of returning and playing with perspective to emphasize the lower portion of the image.

Here’s what I came up with. I’m not in love with the image, but it’s a spot I want to revisit.