Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.
Questions to guide your feedback
I was sitting by my pond, when something moved on the edge of my vision. After some searching, I finally discovered this American Toad, sitting quietly in the fallen leaves. It stayed long enough for me to go inside and return with my camera. Even though I knew about where it had been, it took me a bit to refind its location.
Other Information
Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.
Technical Details
R5, 180mm macro, tripod, 32 shot stack to get the front leaves and all of the toad sharp.
My initial reaction was WOW! The detail and colors and all spot on. Based on the clarity and detail, and also your passion for stacking, I would guess this is a stacked image? Approximately what was his size? Nicely seen and captured.
Truly wonderful stuff here, Mark. If it were not for the open eye I know I would have never seen him out there in the natural world. Your image provides an excellent insight into how nature is very adapt at camouflaging when needed as we see here…
Mark, what a nice find, and I mean find! He blends in so well that I can imagine it was tough to find him twice. So glad that you did though. As @Paul_Breitkreuz mentioned, an excellent example of how nature is so good at camouflaging. Nicely done.
Wow, wow, wow what a cool image. So sharp, what I would expect from your wonderful ability to do great focus stacking. I would image, like other said, this photo was about how nature protects living creatures through camouflage. All I can say is, fantastic.
What perfect camouflage! I had to look carefully to find him. If his eyes were shut he would be doubly difficult to detect. His colors and textures match his surroundings spot on. Nice find, and a wonderfully sharp image.
Linda, this one was about 2 inches (50 mm) long as it sits. The hidden text says it was a 30 shot stack, as I continue to learn how to best use the new posting form…
What I like about this image is how the frog blends in with the leaves. Gives the eye something to search for and just wander around until he spots the frog and it just keeps the eye on the image for a bit longer. We don’t have many frogs in our area for some reason, but here and there we see one. Well done!