While working on a two day old Monarch caterpillar, I noticed this young Gray Tree Frog, perched on the edge of a different leaf of the same common Milkweed plant. This is a 10 shot stack where I deliberately left the far edge of it’s back soft, but wanted to get the feet sharp. (7D2, 180mm macro + 36 mm ET, 1/200 s, f/6.3, iso 1600, tripod)
Another stacked frog! I love this. The detail and color is exquisite. Those golden eyes and highlights to die for. I love the pose and the grippy toes. Did you ‘paint in’ a shot with the throat pouch inflated a little or did it hold it that way? Such a terrific shot. So glad you saw it and it was patient with you. I had a patient frog the other day, too. Must be something in the air.
Mark, the feet are definitely sharp, and I just those cute little toes holding onto his perch. His position seems most unusual for a frog, right? I am not familiar with this species, so wondering how small he really is. Excellent capture.
Wonderful capture, Mark. I do love how you have selectively chosen his eyes and feet to be sharp while leaving the rest slightly OOF. His position looks quite precarious, but understand these can be very small frogs. I just saw one for the first time in our backyard this morning. It was maybe an 1/ 1/2". Nicely done.
So very cute! I love the surroundings! And the side profile!
@Shirley_Freeman, this little one was between 1/2 and 3/4 inches long. With the 36mm extension, I was working between 1.6 and 1.8 X life size. The frog sat on the edge of the Milkweed leaf for a bit and then jumped into the surrounding meadow grasses.
Good find and terrific shot skills, Mark. I can never find them in such an environment. They are usually hanging on a brick wall, or on top of a trash can lid, etc. Anyway, terrific shot.
I really love this shot. Despite being stacked you have kept the DOF short which gives a very nice almost dreamy effect. A bit like an artsy portrait headshot at f/1.4 . The texture in the skin and details in the feet are exquisite! So are the greens with the frog having a different green than the background separating it but keeping the image all together smoothly.
Wish we had tree frogs in Sweden, they’re such cute fellows