About the Wildlife Critiques category

・Moderators/Editors in this category: @JRajput
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The Wildlife Critiques category is dedicated to images that capture the beauty, behavior, and habitats of wild animals in their natural environments. This category celebrates the art of wildlife photography while promoting ethical practices and conservation awareness.

Scope of Wildlife Images

This category includes:

  1. Mammals
  2. Reptiles
  3. Amphibians
  4. Fish
  5. Insects and other invertebrates (except when the primary focus is macro photography)

Note: Bird images should be posted in the Avian Critiques category.

Guidelines for Wildlife Images

  • The primary subject should be one or more wild animals in their natural habitat
  • Images can depict various aspects of wildlife, including behavior, portraits, or environmental shots
  • Both close-up and wider habitat shots are welcome, as long as the wildlife remains the main focus

Ethical Considerations and Restrictions

  • Photos of captive wildlife taken at commercial game farms are prohibited
  • Photos taken using bait of any kind (including recorded sounds) are prohibited
  • Images that include domesticated animals in a rural scene should be posted in the Everything Else category
  • Photos taken at zoos, wildlife rehabilitation centers, game parks, and reserves, as well as of feral animals, should be posted in the Everything Else category

Technical Information

When posting, please include:

  • Camera and lens used
  • Exposure details (shutter speed, aperture, ISO)
  • Any additional equipment (e.g., hide, remote trigger)
  • Location and date of capture

Posting Guidelines

When Posting a Photo

  • Be prepared to accept all comments - both positive and negative - in an objective fashion. Remember, it’s the photo being critiqued, not the photographer
  • If there is any specific feedback you’re looking for, such as comments on composition, lighting, or animal behavior, be sure to ask for it in your post
  • Include relevant information about the species, behavior observed, and any interesting facts or conservation issues related to your subject

When Commenting on Other Photos

  • Discuss the technical aspects of the image (sharpness, composition, lighting, etc.)
  • Comment on how well the image captures the essence or behavior of the animal
  • Provide constructive feedback on how the image might be improved
  • Share any knowledge about the species or its conservation status, if relevant
  • Keep all comments congenial and respectful! All comments should pertain completely to the photo

Additional Resources

Please review the NPN Posting Guidelines and The Art of Image Critique for additional guidance and information. If you see a post in conflict with our Posting Guidelines, please flag the post and a moderator will be notified.