Above the Clouds

High above the clouds at 12,000 feet on Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain NP this cloud inversion had me in awe.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any thought on inproving this image.

Technical Details

1/320 sec f/11 ISO 64 24-70mm f/4 @24 mm Process in PS to bring out details in shadow areas.


This is a beauty, Gary. I certainly can see why you were in awe I’m in awe just looking at the photo. I love every thing about it. It has great depth. Can’t even nit pick anything.

Thank you. Right time, right place.

Beautiful scene and well captured/processed image, Gary. Congrats! I’m not sure, but the blues in the sky look a little off to me (I’m a bad judge of color however). It also looks like there might be a dust spot in the upper right corner…could be just a small dry cloud though.


David, I went back an looked at a few other RAW images and the sky color was the same. However, a slight vignette was added, that probably darkens the top a bit more. There was a dust spot, top center which was removed. Thank you for your comments, always good to recheck ones work from what anothers eyes see.

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Stunning image Gary. It must have been breathtaking to see this in person.

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It truly was, driving up fog and drizzle, then broke 11,000 feet and popped into the clear sky.

I like the different types of clouds in this, and the feeling of being up there, in between the layers of clouds. I like landscape images that convey a sense of “place”, and this really does that.

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