Alex’s wish for a sandbank without a beach. I don’t know if this is a “real” abstract because here is no camera being waved here. But I like to build some “sensible” structure out of these chaotic shapes
The light and textures are subtle and luxurious, part leather, part bone, part sandstone… made of a mysterious matter. Scaleless and timeless. Reminds me of a fossil of a prehistoric creature encased in the earth. A classy abstract!
Fascinating abstract, Jorma. Great textures and use of negative space. I am curious what, if any, post processing techniques you may have used to create these effects?
Jorma, this is indeed an abstract and quite a fantastic one at that! I love the shapes and texture. At first glance, I thought the formations were rocks. Your composition is great here. That bottom diagonal leads me into the “bird’s beak”. I think the only small correction I would suggest would be darken the upper left corner where the sand is a bit bright. Other than that, this is a beautiful image!
Hi, Jorma. What a beautiful and intriguing abstract! I guess intriguing may be redundant. Aren’t all abstracts supposed to intrigue one’s mind? Anyway, I like the various interpretations your image evokes. I think of a pre-historic animal with its paw and claw being on the upper section of the image. That dark tip (the claw) is mesmerizing.
I also agree with @linda_mellor that I would love to hear your take on the edit. For example, did you add grain to the image? In some areas, it is almost as if I am looking at a piece of fabric.
One of my favorite aspects of abstract landscape imagery is that you often can’t tell if the camera is posed a foot above the ground, looking at an area of just a few quare feet, or 1000 feet above the ground, looking at an an area tens of acres on size. This image beautifully plays that very enjoyable mind trick.
Jorma, this is an outstanding aerial abstract image. As @Bonnie_Lampley said, it looks like a pencil drawing. And like @linda_mellor, I’d be interested in any special post processing you did. I can’t think of a thing to suggest about changing. I think it’s perfect as is. Well done.
100% this is abstract and most certainly belongs here.
I am hoping, and so far this is bearing out, that this category is NOT just an ICM category. ALL nature abstracts are welcome!
Yours here is a mind bender for sure? Other than the hint you give this is an aerial, I’d be hard pressed to know what I’m looking at. that right there pretty much defines this category!
I too am quite interested in the textures here. Like someone mentioned, it looks like fabric, loosely woven burlap our something. Very cool no matter what it is!
Thanks guys for the lovely comments. This image is a parton a photography project “timeflux passing through” with the idea of objects that always change shape such as sandy beaches, high clouds or the life of tree leaves
This image has not been edited very much. Slightly accentuated by dodging and burning brightness contrasts and I have slightly strengthened the surface structure. This is also cropped from a larger image.
I would guess the shooting height to be 100m
Alfredo_Mora, I’ve already darkened the left corner a bit, but it gets ugly if you handle it too much. These live forever and change every time you handle them.