Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.
Questions to guide your feedback
Lots of matter but is it too much?
Other Information
Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.
Hi Jorma, this is a fascinating abstract image that had me engaged! I love all of the intricate patterns and colors in the sand. This looks like an aerial image but it’s hard to tell for certain.
You posed the question: “lots of matter but is it too much?” My initial thoughts are no but it may be worth trying different cropped versions. I’m tempted to crop off the bright section of sand in the bottom to help simplify the composition. I would also recommend burning the bright bit of sand on the left edge. For me, the most compelling parts of the image are the center section. Awesome work to spot this and record it.
Crop option #1: 4x5 with a slight rotation clockwise
First Impression. Very science fictiony, Jorma. It looks like an alien landscape to me.
Detailed discussion: This isn’t too much for my taste, Jorma. Yes I could see either of the treatments that Alfredo proposed, but I think of them more as alternatives than improvements. There are thousands of things you could do with this image and it would still look really cool to me.
Thanks guys for the nice feedback. such images are usually really messy and hard to manage. I usually aim for a much simpler expression. In many of these, you can get a lot of really nice cropping, but whether they are better than the original is a matter of taste
Hi Jorma, This image really caught my eye! It is fascinating. The center of the image looks like a horse’s head or an alien creature to me — it feels a bit like a “war horse” from the Middle Ages, in combat! I don’t think that cropping up from the bottom works. It’s too close to the very interesting green “nose”! But toning down the light area beneath the “nose” and the white spot to the left would eliminate those distractions and keep me focused on the “head” and what could be a mane, etc. Sorry, I’m taking liberties with your image! Thanks for sharing this! I love it.
This is excellent. This is truly an abstract, something that’s hard to do in photography. I’m having a hard time coming up with a reaction even though I feel it. Why is it so hard to put into words. It reminds me of O’Keffe’s work in how color don’t have sharp borders but slowly diffuse. I guess the part on the left made me think of kelp or seaweed. I agree with the crop suggested but now the image looks too ‘chunky’. The long flowing shapes need the narrower aspect ratio of the original. Yes, the ‘tooth’ at the bottom doesn’t match the structure of the other parts of the imagel
For me, not “too much”. A very successful abstract in that (except for the title) the viewer has no idea about the original subject. The viewer is free to interpret and untangle all the elements and their interactions. For me, the bright bottom and heavy top seems unbalanced; I tried flipping and rotating to get a darker foundation that appealed to me.
This one really caught my eye, Jorma. I think the feedback you’ve already received covered most of the bases for me but I wanted to let you know how much I love the textures, shapes and colors in this one. I have no idea what this is an image of which is what an abstract really is all about. So, well done.
I prefer the original because I think this needs the aspect ratio that comes with the original and the Light colors along the bottom balance the image even though it is much busier than the suggested crops. Super neat image.
Jorma: Just cruising by this gallery and your image was the most impactful on first glance of all. Fascinating colors and textures and completely mysterious subject. Most excellent. >=))>