The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Greetings and a belated Happy New Year to all!
I was in the Bay Area over last Christmas visiting my brother with the intention of doing some local birding. Seeing and photographing acorn woodpeckers was one of the items on our list of things to do. This we were able to do with some effort, and as a bonus see them collecting and storing acorns on a tree.
Specific Feedback
This is a medium crop. I wanted to show both some details on the woodpecker and also the tree with all the acorns. I’m interested to hear what you think of the crop and composition.
Technical Details
840mm on tripod. 1/1250s@F7.1. ISO2000. Cropped and processed for the web.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Hi - welcome back! I hope you’ll be able to post and critique more -your past bird images are excellent - and this one is, as well.
A great pose from the WP, and all the collected nuts are really interesting.
Nice colours and BG too -
I’d suggest allowing a bit more room on the left, so the edge of the tree is not cut off.
Nice catch, and I’m glad you checked this off the things you wanted to do!
Thank you for the feedback @SandyR-B. I was a little ambivalent about the composition myself. There was a oof branch on the left, which I thought may be distracting. Here’s a slightly different composition with more room on the left, but with the branch. Does this make the composition better?
Hi and glad to see you posting again! Nice details on the bird and the tree with acorns is really interesting. I think I like the original crop best given the oof branch on the left and the spent trunk there provides framing. Nice catch!
Glad to see you back, Govind. I wasn’t bothered by the tree being cut off on the left and for my taste, the branch stub sticking out is a bit distracting. I would crop down from the top a bit on your initial post to maybe something close to a 5x7 aspect ratio as the bird is pretty centered vertically in the original post and the tree is getting a bit boring toward the top anyhow. A very nice image. You definitely nailed your target bird.