Acorn Stare

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


We have lots of acorn woodpeckers here, and here’s a male I caught (appropriately enough) in our backyard oak tree. I especially like the look texture of their black breast feathers going into their white ones.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Z9, Nikon 200-500 lens, monopod, 1/3200th, f 8.0, 750mm, ISO 6400, cropped to 2503 x 3000, Photo AI

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What a beautiful image! First of all I like the lighting. Nice and directional, just hitting the woodpecker´s face. I like the positioning of the bright head against the tree in the shadow behind it. Great job catching it with a nice, clean background. The colors too look great. Almost monochromatic with a bright red splash of color. To me, the cropping looks fine. It looks as if it is looking straight at the viewer. Maybe there could be some more room at its right, but to me, this looks just fine. Great shot!

Hi Dave,

For me, other than the subject itself being captured at just the right moment, that dappled light really sets this off!

From this angle, the woodpecker appears to be wearing a red yamaka or kippah.

Great perch, pose and BG!

Really neat shot! :slight_smile:

Very good, Dave. Getting the angle to put the other tree trunk behind the woodpecker works wonderfully. I also like the lighting and the look woodpecker’s pose.

Very pleasing and unusual setting, with a good pose and detail. The ones here are driving the other birds away from the feeders, and harassing the Bluebirds in their nest box – I think they’re trying to steal the eggs.

Hi Dave, great use of light and framing. Cool to get the eye so well lit up among the other shadows. Complimentary BG completes the framing. Well done.