Acorn Squabble

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was out back this morning looking to shoot anything that moved when these two male acorn woodpeckers had an argument over a nearby suet block. They were fairly close and I did not have time to back up my lens so the cropping was tight. I DID want to include the dramatic shadow at the bottom. Notice the bronzy wing and tail feathers (hard to see here) on the guy on the right. I don’t recall seeing that before…

Specific Feedback

Cropping okay? I decided that upper right dark branch didn’t matter enough to clone it out. Yeah?

Technical Details

Z9, Nikon 200-500 lens, monopod, 1/3200th, f 8.0, 540mm, ISO 2800, cropped to 3949 x 3335, Photo AI

The crop works fine here, Dave. It may have been a squabble in reality, but it almost looks like they’re kissing. A very nice image.

Wow! Fun capture! I love the dramatic shadows. I agree with Dennis that the crop is fine.

The shadow is key with this shot, Quick Draw McGraw! It adds just that little bit more drama to an already fraught photo. Terrific wing spread and I like that the beaks are together, showing a bit of aggro and lethality. Both eyes are sharp and the bronze sheen you mention is something. These guys don’t live near me so I like seeing them in this active way rather than just a perching shot. Gives me a lot more information about these guys and how they interact with each other.

Nice catch of this interaction Dave. Good to see both eyes and including the full shadow is a plus. Nice exposure on the whites and blacks too. Well done.

Hi Dave
This is a nice interaction photograph, with well controlled black, red and white feathers. I this the rail feathers works.

Home run shot Dave, no question about it. My only comment is the image is very bright at upper left, cool and pleasant at lower right. Might experiment with cooling down the oak bark and the hot light on the left bird’s back.

Wonderful interaction here, Dave. The wing spread and shadow are dynamite. I think the crop is perfect.