After the Rain

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


After the rain, when the sun came out, I again ran out into the backyard to catch the fleeting water-drop bokeh.

Specific Feedback

Any comments welcome. This doesn’t really speak to rain, I think, more like fall.

Technical Details

Hand held, experimenting with the Nikon D5600 and my old, trusty 55-300mm lens. I like this combo because it’s so light, although that lens doesn’t focus fast at all and the manual focus ring is not terribly smooth. Shooting OOF, though, that doesn’t matter so much.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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Good one, Bonnie. The cascading globes in the center work very well. I’d consider cropping out the intruding shapes in the upper left and maybe adding a vignette to steer attention towards the center.

Definitely an abstract image. That is one nice thing about digital gear, it’s light, it’s portable, hand-holdable, and experimental photos are easy. If they work that’s a plus, if not just delete and try something else.

This is a plus!

I particularly like how bright the water drops are in relation to the background.

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I like this, Bonnie. The center is the most interesting part, but I’m fascinated by the presence of so many “football” shaped bokeh circles there are and how they’re not all at the same angle which makes me ponder on what phenomenon is causing it.

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Whether it speaks to rain or not, this is seriously excellent. Great craftsmanship and vision - the arrangement of large and small elements backed by the long washes of contrasting color is quite pleasing. I also like the cat’s eye bokeh balls that stand out differently than the round ones. You have such an eye for this kind of thing.

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Thanks, @Don_Peters, @Dennis_Plank, @Youssef_Ismail, and @Kris_Smith.

Definitely! That’s my mantra.

I’m not sure, either, why those bokeh are not round. I was shooting through some tall, reedy grasses, so maybe the different stem orientations made for the different angles.

Thanks - you’re too kind. This is the sort of thing that you have to scan the scene while looking through the viewfinder. I sort of know when a scene might work out, but never know until I look through the viewfinder.