Alaska Range

On the first day of our trip to Denali NP back in August we did the Savage Alpine Trail and we were lucky we did because the snow on the mountains you see here was gone the next day and a bear that was apparently stalking hikers so the trail was closed the rest of the time we were there.
The hike was spectacular with these amazing views of the mountains with mixed light and wildlife. There was also a lot of wild berries to eat along the way too :slight_smile:

Specific Feedback Requested

I desaturated the blues, do I need to go further? Any other general feedback

Technical Details

Nikon D810 w/100-400mm @200mm
ISO 200
F/8, 1/400 sec
4 shot pano handheld


Very nice directional light. The blues seem pleasing to me. Quite an amazing scene.

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Thank you @DeanRoyer !

Hey Glenn, I think you absolutely crushed this photo. The way the light hits off the mountains and dances throughout. The frame is absolutely beautiful. You also provided plenty of room to breathe above the mountain on the side and down in the bottom of the frame all equaling a very good viewing experience. On the blues note, it looks very natural to me and I don’t really think any additional desaturation needs to be done to it.

Wow, terrific panorama, Glenn. Colors look just fine to me. I love the shadows dancing across the hills. Excellent.

The dappled light on the mountains and ominous sky are wonderful Glenn. The colors look fine to me.

Thank you David! I’m really happy with this one, it was a pretty easy to process too.

Thank you @David_Bostock and @Eva_McDermott!