
Image Description

I was walking in this huge garden. Lots of plants and huge trees and saw this little plant all alone. So i took the shot looking up and putting the plant into the sky. I saw the photo a certain way i captured it the best i could.

Type of Critique Requested

  • Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.

  • Conceptual: Feedback on the message and story conveyed by the image.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

I like the tone and the texture of the photo. I placed it to the left as usual but it could go more centered.

A nice find, Gill. I like the curves of the branch and how the seed heads hang reminding me of the wings of an insect. B&W works well for this subject too. Yes, with the square crop, I think a little more room on the left would be more pleasing for me. You might be able to crop some off the right too so that spacing feels equal all around. Just a though. Nice shot.

Thanks. I may crop it center it more. I might brighten the wings a little bit. As I look at it I see the simplicity but so ALONE.

Thanks again.

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Very nice! For me, the tight spacing on the left works against the mood I get of loneliness or isolation. But I don’t want to impose my viewpoint as right or wrong – just as how it makes me feel. I’ve always hated the “one size fits most” approach.

I’m really enjoying your macro work, Gill. The classic B&W modeling and feel is really striking and I like your style. To echo Diane, our observations are merely that and are always meant with an eye to making images stronger or more successful. But this is always a personal thing as you know, and while I don’t always follow advice given here, I’m grateful for it.

The light you have going here is really well suited to the samaras. I also like the swoopy stem and how it arcs and reaches back behind. I could see doing a little dodging on the “wings” to bring up some tonal separation if you were so inclined.

Thanks , Thats the great thing about the photographers here in the Network. Honest opinions and “Have you Tried This Approach” I listen to everyone and really want to hear what you have to say. This weeks comments have really help me look at my work and think more about my photography in the future… I may brighten the wings a little and maybe some of the stem. Thanks for showing interest.