American Bittern

This is an environmental image. It was taken from a viewing platform at least 20 feet above the water. in this old irrigation channel. So there was no way I could get lower. American Bitterns are quite rare at this refuge. The last one I saw was 20 years ago. And I go to the refuge several times each month. A close look at the first image will reveal a small frog in the beak. The second image is less subtle.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
iso 2500, 400 + 1.4x, f5, 2500th, Sony, handheld, 60% of full frame.
Second image about 50% of full frame

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Always nice to be able to photograph a bittern; as you say, they are hard to find. A nice habitat shot and good detail

Very cool habitat and action, David. The frog is almost impossible to identify as such in the first frame, but there’s certainly no doubt in the second. Detail in the Bittern in both is superb.

Congrats on the rare sighting. I’ve yet to see a bird with a frog so it’s rare for me too. :slight_smile: I love how the second image really shows the size of those feet!

Congratulations, David, on the sighting and the fine images, love the feet in both.

Nice David. Bittern seem really hard to come by and I suspect easily displaced by too much activity. The frog catch is a real nice bonus. Really good environmental shots.