Another Bee Close Up

Ah this looks pretty nice - good job with mitigating the flash, although I don’t think tiny pinpoints of clipping in the eyes is anything to worry about. For about 10 years I shot with a manual macro left over from my 35mm days and while it is a gem of a lens, doing things like this was too hard. I like the encapsulating presence of the flowers - it says so much about scale and the lives of these hard working girls. She’s super clean and undamaged so I bet she’s newly emerged into her function as worker. They take a beating and most don’t last more than a few weeks. Terrific sharpness and color, too - very natural looking.

The crop though…eh, it’s a bit centered for my taste and wonder what it would look like with some room around her to the left and a bit less to the right. The petals over there are more crisp and if you blurred them could be more harmonious. Just a thought. I did this for a recent flower photo -

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