Another Red Tail

Selective cloning of distracting branches.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Any pertinent technical details:

iso 800, 200-500 at 500, f8, 2500th, D500, handheld, 65% full frame, Mid to late morning sun, ACR, Topaz Adjust, TK sharpening at 10%

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Interesting the difference a couple of feet can make, David. The classic case of taking a step to one side. I just processed pretty much this same image, but I have several branches encroaching on the bird (I’ll post it in a minute). Excellent job on the processing.

Nice job on the cloning. Nice exposure and great pose - well captured.

Bird is very sharp… you removed enough branches to make this work well with the comp.