Another Visit + Repost


Original Post:

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Here you can see the exact same tree that I shot a week ago. But the first time we arrived at the spot at 8:30 am and light was already a bit harsh. So I decided to give that tree another try with hopefully warmer and softer light.

The alarm clock rang at 4 am, I drove half an hour by car and hiked about an hour to the spot.
But this time I wanted to photograph more of the beautiful tree. That’s why I created a panorama shot.

Specific Feedback

What do you think? Was it worth the revisit?
As always, any feedback is welcome.

Technical Details


This panorama consists of seven vertical shots, it’s almost 180 degrees.
Basic adjustments in LR, exporting the single shots as 16 bit TIFF files, stitching the panorama in PTGui (LR was able to stitch, but the result looked really weird, especially at the top of the image), adding contrast and enhancing the light in PS.


Yes, I believe it was worth the revisit;-) What a great image that reveals the full beauty of this gnarly and photogenic tree. I love the soft side light on the branches.

I like the edit, too. All I see is a minor light leak in the foliage on the bottom right maybe, but that’s just me being picky:-)

Very nice, Jens!

Hey Jens,

I think this is a nice image with a very interesting subject, never seen a tree like that before. However I feel the centered framing here is not entirely warranted. The tree itself feels very symmetrical, but the empty spaces on the right side as well as the left being brighter throws off that symmetry. I would recommend cropping off some of the right so that the visual flow moves towards the left (the light) instead. I think the composition would still work great and you wouldn’t lose anything of importance.

This is a very cool looking tree and you have some really beautiful light so yeah, I think it was worth the effort for sure! I think that the empty space on the right side takes away from the tree and like Eric, I would think about cropping a bit off the right.

@Markus_Albert, @Eric_Bennett, @Tom_Nevesely
Thank you all for your feedback. I really appreciate that.

Thanks for pointing that out, I think I know what you mean.

Thanks, Eric. I just played around with different crops and I agree with that.

This is the second version. I had first cropped less on the right edge.

That’s a wonderful image Jens, but even more so after reading it’s actually a pano! Must have taken some work making sure all these branches are aligned and stitched properly. Well done man.

The light is beatiful. I think it was totally worth revisiting - this image is completely different than the previous one. The dark, curly branches are intriguing, and the contrast between them and the warm light does magic.

I understand why you avoided cropping these branches on the right. Probably would have been my instinct too. But I do agree with @Eric_Bennett 's suggestion - overall the image “flows” better when cropped, even if the edges of the branches are left out.

I think that’s a wonderful image on both the artistic and technical aspects.