Another world

I took this image at Myvatn on Iceland. This area is very active and steam not smelling so good is rising from the ground. It feels like being on another planet.

Specific Feedback Requested

All feedback is welcome.

Technical Details

1/125 sec, f/14, ISO 100. 70 mm


Another world, indeed! This is an amazing picture, incredibly evocative. It feels primordial - if not another world then a time long before. The sky, the lighting, the colour palette and a delicate touch in post all conspire to give this an other worldly feel. It is strangely Romantic . Wonderful work, Johan.


You did a fine job capturing the character and starkness of this landscape. My images of the landscape are strewn with humans many of which seem to enjoy running through the escaping gases.

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Wow, this looks otherworldly indeed. Looks like Mars if Mars had some color. Excellent image with a lot of mood and terrific luminosity. Great image, Johan.

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Big thanks for your nice comment Kerry!

thanks James. Yes there were some people but not that many. Photo is taken in late September maybe off the “worst” turist season.

I am very happy you like the image David!


Can’t help it, this bears repeating, Another world indeed! And echo Kerry’s thoughts exactly.

Aside from the idea this is an alien landscape… bringing back to earth, looks like a low tide area? Not that this matters at all if it is - the colors and textures are just wonderful. I especially like the larger rock anchoring the scene. Of course the rising steam adds tremendous atmosphere.

Haven’t even mentioned the drama in the clouds! Somehow the very bright center is appropriate in this scene. But wonder if the mood would change if the brightest was toned down? There’s color in there so I’m pretty sure it’s not clipped. Can’t decide if it’s something that is even a concern because the overall impact to the scene is important too.

Must have been quite the experience being there - experiencing all of the senses!


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Thanks for your comment Lon. I will try to take down the nightlight and see what it does to the image. There is for sure data there since I actually increased the brightness in this area during processing.

The light is superb Johan! It does look like another world. All the elements work together to create a dynamic image.

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Gorgeous and indeed other-worldly! I’ll add a vote for toning down the brightest steam area, to bring out smoother tonalities. I’d isolate the “sky” and look at the histogram for smooth tonal transitions.

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A great image of a world that looks hostile to human creatures. Very nice how you handled the contrast, I don’t mind that the sky is so bright.
I think you were indeed lucky to keep your fellow travellers out of the frame, the days are gone that Iceland was something for a lonely, daring photographer. No difference anymore with the other famous and spectacular spots on this planet. Maybe Kamchatka still is the exception.

thanks a lot Eva. I am very happy you liked the image!

thanks a lot, yes I will tone down the bright area (I saccutally made it more bright in editing so I probably went to far).

Thanks a lot for your comment Han. We were by to means alone there but I think we avoided the worst turist peak!

This is a success on many levels. The foreground, hills and sky each are fascinating, and together are a symphony. The bright sky is clearly an artistic choice, and I interpret it as conveying a sense of Glory behind all the austerity of the scene. (OK, maybe a little bright) The large stone, and the smaller dark pillar form a quiet, almost subliminal leading line that connects foreground to the rest of the image. The stones on the left edge are a bit bright, given their position on the edge.
The intricate details in the foreground and hills gives way nicely to the more modest details in the far hills and clouds. Just a fascinating scene to enjoy.

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Thanks a lot for your comment Dick! I am very happy you liked the image!!

Such a great image Johan. Otherworldly for sure. I too like that large boulder in the left foreground that anchors the scene so nicely. I actually like the very bright portion of the sky. It adds to the otherworldly feel to this image. It gives the image so much thought provoking drama. You certainly had terrific conditions to shoot this in.

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Fabulous image. They say we should ignore rules of composition but here the rock fits the rule of thirds so well. The image would be weaker without the rock and specifically, the rock in that place.

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Oh wow, such atmosphere and light! It’s definitely other-worldly.

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