Aspens - lens blur

2009:10:04 15:41:11
D300s then
18-200mm @ 60mm
8 sec, f/7.1
Mode: Av
Metering: Multi-segment
Exp comp: -1
ISO: 200
White balance: Auto
Flash: Off

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Hi Sandy,
I absolutely love your experimentation with this technique. This one works really well, and I think the aspens (i.e. white) add significantly to the effect and success of the image.

This is very beautiful and unique.

Looks like a waterfall of color! No suggestions; looks good.

A real beauty Sandy, those warm pastel colors are just marvelous. I’m actually glad NPN decide to include “photo-art” back in the underlying categories, these types of images will get more visibility here in landscape critique, and I think having more variety in landscape critique is a good thing too.

Ed, lets hope so. More exposure is only good - now, if only people would take a look instead of passing over the thumbnail.
Thanks for the interest and comment.

Sandy, this is an exquisite image. Fabulous!

WOW, Sandy, this is gorgeous!


Fanciful comes to mind. I’d be hard pressed to guess this originated from an Aspen grove - but then again, that’s the point right?

The only suggestion I would make would be to do something with the two trunks on the left. They seem to not flow with the rest of the image. No biggie.


Very creative for a pleasing result, Sandy. Was this zoom blur or motion blur, or both?

Wonderful! Love seeing this in the Landscape gallery! Great patterns and colors.

Hi Bill - it was a zoom blur, taught by Richard Bernabe in a field workshop.