Autumn bloom

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The background was unattractive and distracting so I held my kneeling pad behind the flower.

Technical Details

ISO 2500 (it was breezy), f/5.6, 1/200th, 100mm


They do have multiple uses, don’t they? I’ve used a fleece vest a number of times as well. I love the treatment of the blooms, but it feels a bit unfinished at the bottom for my taste-just a bit more stem if you managed to get it.

Don, I completely love this photo. I like the symmetry, the DOF in the flower itself, and the perfect BG. I really like that the FG petals and stems (?) are in sharp focus in contrast to the BG petals and stems(?). Sorry for my lack of proper terminology about flower parts. I think I can live without more of the green stem at the bottom of the image. On the other hand, if you have it or can create it with Generative Expand, I’d give it a try just for the fun of it. Great job in capturing this on a windy day.

Hi Don,

I’d go with a little more stem which would strengthen the comp. The reds against the black BG is a good thing and I like the result of your ingenuity for this shot…Jim

Dennis, Egidio, Jim, thanks to all of you for commenting and for the kind words. As for the stem, I didn’t get any more of it and I’m not familiar with Generative Expand. It’s destined to stay as it is.

Egidio, I don’t know the terminology for flower parts either but I understand what you’re saying. I agree. I think that a somewhat shallow DOF in a shot like this adds a sense of depth.

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Great idea to use that to simplify things! I like it when folks are creative like this. I think you have the focus where needed on this and I really like the graceful spray of forms and shapes. The focus fall off does that justice nicely. Good color, too, I see quite a nice level of separation of shades. Super!

Thanks, Kris.

Beautiful! All said above. A slight burn of the green stem at the edge of the frame could be a good idea. You can also expand the canvas in PS and check Content Aware and it would add more stem – it can be uncanny. Sometimes a bit of cloning cleanup might be needed.

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It’s clear that most people here think the shot would be improved if more stem were showing. I value the feedback but in this case I just can’t see why people think more stem would help. I’ll chalk this up to different tastes.

I hope I don’t seem unappreciative. I’ve learned a lot from the critiques here.

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Yes, tastes and preferences come into play, but ultimately we all know that the final say goes to the photographer and I don’t think anyone gets ruffled if suggestions are not taken. It’s fun to throw ideas around.

I agree with Kris and don’t think you are being unappreciative at all. Sometimes we just offer different viewpoints for comparison purposes.

Those here who are serious about their photography recognize and honor different opinions, and gradually learn from them. The thin-skinned will move on to FB and the like. (For the Likes.)

I think sometimes people see an issue that bothers them – or attracts their attention – and make suggestions that attempt to point to a fix, but that can lead to thoughts about different ways to address the attention-getting item. In this case I think a different way to address the stem is to consider darkening it subtly. It comes close to being the brightest thing in the image, which pulls the eye.

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