Autumn waterfall #1 + rework

REWORK based on comments


During the September workshop in Härjedalen, Sweden I also photographed some waterfalls. I will post three such images, this is the first one.

It was rather harsh light this day making it rather difficult to photograph this waterfall. I reduced the brightness of the brink on the opposite side of the river somewhat, but not to much so that it became unnatural compared to the situation at site.

At the LLC there is a small part of flowing water that actually was rather nice when hitting the water level, but I decided to crop that away because otherwise I would have a rather large dull area of dark water in the LRC.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any comments are welcome!

Technical Details

1/2, f/13, ISO 64, lens 12-40 mm at 15 mm (30 mm equiv.), Olympus camera OM-D E-M1X, tripod


Great scene, Ola. I think your processing tamed the harshness quite nicely. I could see a slight crop off the left to bring the waterfall left of center more. But that’s a really minor thing. Love the flow of the water.

Very nice shot Ola, I really like it, especially the water ripples moving out from tha base of the falls…the texture of the ripples is lovely. For me, the autumn-coloured foliage and the whitish vertical branch/trunk on the right compete a wee bit with the falls and the dark rock that are the star of the show. Maybe toning down the leaves and that branch a bit without cropping any of that wonderful water rippling texture on the LR might help. Cheers.

@David_Bostock and @Phil_G thanks for your kind comments and advice.

I had to reevaluate my original composition completely and have now included more of the rock at the left border and also to show the miniature waterfall there.

I have tried to reduce the brightness of the sunlit brink, but still tried to achieve a realistic combination of shadows and sunlit areas reasonable in line with the real situation. It still draw some attention, but hopefully not that much as before.

A rework is posted at the top.

I like the rework. Adding that little tiny bit of falls in the LLC adds balance to the scene that was not there before. I also like all of the water texture, particularly in the middle of the frame along the right side. The collection of leaves on the rock wall is nice to break up the darkness and mass of the rock and toning down the highlights in the vegetation works well.

@David_Haynes thanks for your kind comments!

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