Back to the Marsh Wren

In the open and bright morning sun. Now if I could only get rid of the shadows.


Specific Feedback Requested: decrease in highlights on the brighter plumage?

Pertinent technical details or techniques: iso 1250, 400+ 2x, f5.6, 1600th, handheld, 26% of full frame, A7R4

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Cute little guy! Highlights look good to me. You could put a Christmas bow on his collar, or do a tediously masked curve. The shadow on the breast looks natural enough.

You certainly got a good pose and out in the open. Perhaps a move to the left and off center a bit would be nice.

Nice, David. Good to catch it in the open. The shadow doesn’t bother me, but if you want to reduce it a little careful dodging would probably work.

Nice pose out in the open. Good detail. Shadow? Sure this isn’t the rare ring-necked wren?

Touché ! But it could be a Ford Wren.