Backlit Dandelion and Grass

This nearly spent dandelion seed head and growing grass seed heads were nicely backlit a couple of mornings ago. The sparkling dew made some good extra highlights. A 20 shot stack for dof. (R5, 180mm macro, 1/250 s, f/14, iso 800, tripod)


Stunning, Mark. Detail in the dandelion is outstanding, as is the backlighting. Great capture.

Mark, you starting to make me feel like I should leave the dandelions alone (I’ve been diligently pulling them up) in our yard! You sure make them look good. Also, I’m getting a bit excited about the R7 camera that I preordered, and trying in camera focus stacking, as well as using my 180 lens more since the camera has in camera stabilization, which this lens does have. Excellent shot.

Fantastic detail here. Excellent job of isolating the subject with a superb background.

Fascinating! You should do a dewdrop-only abstraction.

@Shirley_Freeman, I’m betting you are going to LOVE that camera! Looking forward to the results!

Stacking needs AF on, but with my R5 I use back button focus so I can manually prefocus on the closest part, and when I fire the shutter with a hands-off remote release it won’t try to re-focus. Using electronic shutter gives me a short time frame to minimize movement. There are options in the menu for how close the focus steps are and how many to shoot. It will adjust the actual steps depending on the aperture.

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Yikes, this is extremely nice, Mark. The stacking has brought out amazing detail here… :+1: :+1:
20 shots using film would have caused bankruptcy at some point … :upside_down_face: