Backlit Whooper

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I live close to a nearby lake that had a couple of whooper swans “planted” a while back and I got this capture of one from a boat while looking for bald eagles early one morning.

Specific Feedback

Cropping? Exposure?

Technical Details

D500, 1/4000th, f 7.1, ISO 3600, hand held, 500mm, cropped to 1752 x 2177

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I like your placing the swan in the upper portion of the comp. Highlights are pretty bright and are difficult to control in this type of shot. You may want to see whether you can tweak the highlights down a tad, but still a fine image to look at…Jim

Very cool reflection in this one, Dave. In this case I don’t mind the highlights being pretty bright. It could be a problem in printing where white means simply “no ink” and you get the underlying paper color, but on the screen rim lighting and water can be blown and still look good for my taste.

Nice eye level shot and composed well.

Hi Dave
Very nice low angle, the whites are well controlled and the reflection added to the framing. Nice work.

Not familiar with this swan, David. Nice head turn and a great reflection. I like the composition you made and everything looks nice and sharp and no other birds distracting the scene. I notice a greenish hue globally so I hope you don’t mind but I took this into LR for a quick go around with it. I used the eye dropper tool and placed it on the white part of the back and then again on the head and it gave me significantly bluer tones. Too blue for me but it did eliminate the greenish tint. The tool read -16 on white balance and -9 on hue. Since that was just too blue I decided to go somewhere in between. I also darkened and dehazed the water as it looked very hazy and toned down the brightest whites. Not sure this is any better but have a look and round file it if it’s not to your tastes. Great capture of a species I have not seen before. Did you get any Bald Eagles???

Here is the darker and bluer version.

I like both of the changed swan pic, and yes, I did get into the eagles. A pair are here every year and I have tons os photos of them. Here’s one shot:

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