Hi, Mario. I can clearly see why you were attracted to the contrast between grass and mountains. What a beautiful scene to admire!
What type of feedback are you looking for from NPN viewers? This is an immense area you captured with lots of interesting things. As a viewer, my eyes do not stop in one single place. There are several points of interest. If you were going to isolate one subject in your image, what would that be?
This is a really beautiful scene, Mario. I love the rolling green hills against the rugged brown cliffs. It almost seems like the two landscapes should be in two different places! I like your crop as it takes out some of the sky and leaves the most interesting clouds, but also like the original. As it shows the vastness of that area. Beautiful composition.
I like the image Mario. A beautiful sweep of grassland lines and a dramatic roll of hillsides cliffs and colors. I would keep the original length and crop as a panorama format cutting most of the sky as the pale white and ashen clouds seems to far removed from the land and don’t feel right. A great view into the badlands, was it composed from a hike or a road side pull over? Lots of angles to shoot this great geographic scene. Would see more of the red mounds if an angle was presenting itself. It looks a bit soft in the rolling foreground and looks like you went with a smooth processing which gives the image a colorful illustration look. I like it.
Mario, I gotta say that you brought the contrast between the hills and grass to life in my eyes. I really like this close-up crop of the scene. I wonder what others might think.
You might consider putting both shots side by side so that viewers can see them without having to scroll up and down. It’s very easy to accomplish that. It takes two simple steps:
(1) First, add +rework to the very first line of your post. Just click the pencil icon to modify that title. In your case, it would be ‘Title’ (+Rework). That shows on the NPN feed indicating there is a newly edited photo in addition to the original.
(2) To add the reworked image next to the original one, you’ll click on the pencil icon at the bottom of the original post. You are then taken to the edit mode of your entry. You can place the cursor after the original entry and upload the reworked image (without removing the original entry, of course). If you want, add text after the original image and after the reworked image.
Again, these are only suggestions. If you want further assistance, please do not hesitate to write back or contact me privately.
Hi @Mario_Cornacchione - I really enjoyed this image. I like both crops, but I think I prefer the tighter one for some of the same reasons that others have mentioned. I like how it removes some of the sky and also makes the contrast between the rolling hills and jagged background more prominent. I also wanted to comment on how green the grass is. I’m not too familiar with the badlands area in your image, but like many areas of the West, I suspect there’s a pretty brief window each spring when the grass is as green as it is in this scene. Nice job of catching it when you did.