Taking minimalism to the extreme with some sedge mostly buried in the snow. It doesn’t do this often - you need light, steady snow that is very crystalline and powdery. No wind or very little wind. When we get it, it makes for the most gentle of frames or coverings.
Specific Feedback Requested
I wanted just a hint of texture in the snow, but mostly a blank canvas look. Too boring? Too minimal?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
A lot of emphasis on the whites done in Lightroom. That’s mostly what’s there anyway since the sedge fronds are so slender and small. But I left them in color because even that little bit of visual interest helps.
Not too boring for me, Kris. I like the simplicity and also that you’ve left the color there, as opposed to converting to black/white. For me, the color adds interest. Great capture and nicely done.
Thanks @linda_mellor - I have a b&w version of this (was shooting jpegs in monochrome as part of my Digital Film Challenge) and it’s oddly more boring so I went with my RAW file to show this scene. Funny how even the tiniest things can make or break a photo.
Of what you have posted, I like this one the most.
No, it’s not boring. You promised
and you satisfied your promise.
I’d like to see two things. First, the snow brighter and with less texture. It would be pushing the white to the point that the granularity would be there, but not there — just a soupçon.
Second, more frame space to the left and top. This move would make the burst of the stems smaller, but that’s good.