This is a place in Iowa where the Turkey Vultures love to hang out. I got to camp and see where they roost at night in the trees! And then in the mornings and evenings they sun and bathe and preen on the beach and the rocks near a dam. It was so awesome! I love Turkey Vultures! They’re such an awesome, beautiful bird!
Specific Feedback Requested
I have a lot of Turkey Vulture pictures, not sure if there are any other Vulture lovers out there but one problem I have is getting the light in the eye. Any ideas?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400
ISO 800
You captured a really nice pose with both wings fully up and a good look back at you. You may want to try bringing up the shadows just a bit under that near wing and see how you like that. To get a catch light in the eye you need to have the sun or light at your back. Here it looks like light is on other side of the vulture. You got nice and close. Well done.
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Hi Vanessa, Details on the bird look good even though you could raising the dark areas a bit as David suggests. I like the pose and the backwards look from the bird. I can’t say a vulture is a bird I seek out for photography but your photo shows that they can make for interesting subjects.
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A great pose, Vanessa. David covered the issue of the catchlight. I’d just add that the eyes in most large birds are a bit of a problem unless they contrast a lot with the plumage because they end up being so small in the frame (the exception being birds like owls with enormous eyes). Juvenile Bald Eagles are my pet peeve-they have plain brown eyes in brown plumage and they’re a big bird. This is a very nice image of this vulture and it’s not a commonly photographed bird.
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Thank you so much! That makes sense, I never thought that was why the eye gets the light in it, because of the light! Duh! I guess all my little birds are always facing the right way! I adjusted the shadows a little, how does it look now?
Thanks for your feedback! I reposted it with David, does it improve it? Turkey Vultures are the best in my opinion!
Thanks for the additional information about them being a big bird. That makes sense too. I always am focusing on the eyes in everything as best I can. I probably have more Turkey Vulture pictures than any other photos, and I don’t think any of them have that little shine in the eye. Thanks for liking the photo too. This was one of the more outgoing individuals in the groups of Vultures, there had to be at least 100, in different areas! I think she was posing for me!
Good job on the re-post. Nice pose and head turn. I agree with you, Vultures can make for interesting subjects.
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Yes, I like the repost. well done!
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Repost looks good. And good info from Dennis about large birds and their eyes. I did not know that.
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Yeah, I think that’s really good to know. Because even though I really love a bird in their environment shot, it helps me to understand why people in general are more drawn to the portraits of big birds that are in captivity.