Taken at Federsee, Germany
Olympus OMD-EM1 MKII, 420 mm, ISO 1600, f4.0, 1/640s
Joachim, This is a fine, high key look at this Bearded Tit. I like the overall glow, the details in the bird and it’s perch as well as how you’ve composed the view. The bit of seed in her mouth is a fine extra touch.
Excellent color, detail and exposure. I really enjoy the pastel pinkish/orange tone in the image. The bright orange beak and the eye pop nicely.
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Hey Joachim,
Beautiful composition in all respects and the large version is very impressive indeed. I really like the perch and that sweet background, they both compliment the subject so well.
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A beautiful photo, Joachim! I love the color tones in this and the detail is excellent. You did a great job of dealing with the backlit exposure and the seeds in its beak is a nice bonus.
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