Beary relaxing

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I like the moment I could capture between the bear mom and her two cubs. One was relaxed, and the other one was rolling in the hay.
I want to make this image pop without over-the-top editing.

Creative direction

I am uncertain about the artistic approach. I like the feeling it evokes for nonphotographers when they see this image.

But I want to be able to make it pop on full screen for photographers.

Specific Feedback

Anyting and Everything

Technical Details

Shutter speed 1/1000
ISO 1600


I captured this in Alaska, and these bears were relaxing. The one cub on the right is a younger bear and was often playful with the elder sibling on the left.

Great story - well captured - I suspect you used aperture priority ?

I would consider increasing the exposre on the subjects and decreasing it in the top half of the background

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Hi Subha Joshi !
Welcome to NPN !
The image is technically good and show the playful behaviour very well.
When we have more than one subject in the frame, it becomes more challenging to pull off the image. And when we are shooting from the higher angle, seperation too becomes difficult.
You may try the suggestion given by @Karl_Zuzarte .
I suggest if you post full techs like camera and lens used also, they may help in evaluating an image better.
Looking forward to more images from your camera!

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Thank you, Karl. I used Manual mode. I will try your recommendations.