Bee in red

Still learning the settings on my camera and I think buying some flowers tomorrow for practice may be needed. There were 50 shots, but I only used 10. The way the R7 works is focus is on the more forward part of the image, then it shoots however many shoots are done. Going out again Sunday to take more flowers. I think the bee felt sorry for me since she pretty much sat there.

Specific Feedback Requested

There are some issues here so I welcome comments.

Technical Details

R7 rf 100 f/2.8 Zerene DMAP and I had to fix the bee just a little so thank you Kris S. on where that was in the program.


Hi Dean,

It looks pretty good–reds could use some desaturation. I do like the details present, but lighting is harsh. Greens also have a cyan cast which can be handled with a liuttle bit of desaturation in photoshop. I think that this being a test of your new camera suggests additional testing with sme new flowers is in order. Well done…Jim


No problem, glad to help! Agree about desaturating the reds. You can do it in Calibration in Lightroom and see if that works, if not the HSL panel will. Same with adjusting the color of the greens. The bee is a nice touch and I’m glad she sat for you.

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Thanks for the comments @Kris_Smith and @Jim_Zablotny. The light is too harsh so not sure why I didn’t notice it. I wasn’t too happy with the stacking because the front part seems soft. This is more practice