Below Adams Falls

I find this little intimate view of a cascade below Adams Falls during my last visit to Ricketts Glen, SP, PA. There are only so many ways to photograph this waterfall so I was happy to come up with this image as it is something a bit different from this location.

As always thanks for your thoughts.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Does the image work for anyone, whatever else you think of.

Any pertinent technical details:

Nikon D800, Nikon 35-70 @ 62 mm, f 18 @ 1 sec, ISO 400, CPL, cable release & tripod

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Ed, I like your composition a lot, it makes good use of some interesting diagonal curved lines in the rocks. I also like how the scattering of leaves sort of mimics the lichen patterns in the rocks. The lighting situation here is difficult, but I think you have done a very good job processing the rocks above the stream. For suggested tweaks, I would crop a little off the left, I would try to minimize the dark water triangle below the rocks along the left frame edge. I would also increase the luminosity of the whites and midtones in the falls to tonally balance the image a little. The whites here also may be a bit too cool, you may want to warm the shaded whitewater a bit too.

Ed, lovely, little intimate scene. I especially like the upper half with the layers of lichen covered rock and scatter of leaves. I might agree with Ed about the water, although pretty minor tweak. I might even boost the luminosity a tad as well.

Not sure if you would opt for this, but I was going to suggest a minor crop off the left; say 1/2 way to the little yellow leaf? It also removes the little bright micro-cascade on the left edge. No biggie, just a thought.

Love the texture and detail in the water too.


I would raise the luminosity and saturate the left most leaf to complete yellow. It might help balance the darker left side a bit.

This is a nicely composed intimate water scene. I think I would agree with the other commenters on two points:

  1. A slight crop of the dark area at left. I think around 1/3 to 1/2 removed works best.
  2. I think the overall luminosity is ok but I would raise the white point of the water.

Thanks guys @Ed_McGuirk, @Lon_Overacker, @Igor_Doncov and @Dave_Dillemuth for your comments and suggestions. Here is a repost with your suggestions.