What is the image about, what does it mean to you, and what motivated you to make it?
I place perches in our neighborhood pond each summer as overwater fishing perches are limited. I use a ground blind when photographing kingfishers as they can be quite spooky even in a heavy recreation use area.
Equipment information:
7D2, 500/F4+1.4, tripod
Camera settings:
F10, 1/1250, ISO 800, -0,33 EC
What specific feedback would you like?
Superb job with color, detail, perch, and background. The color of the tongue in the image adds interest. I’d like to see this cropped a tiny bit tighter with maybe a little less room at the top and bottom. But it is fine as is.
I have several belted Kingfisher’s in my neighborhood and they are very hard to approach. I don’t typically use a blind but I stay in the shade of a tree and try to remain as motionless as possible.
Super pose and lighting here David, I would crop a bit from the bottom as I feel like that is a lot of open space - also to make the bird larger in the frame.
Excellent choice of a perch for a Kingfisher, Dave. The Kingfisher looks perfect and I like the open beak. As is often the case with me, the 4x6 vertical format feels a little too tall and I’d think about cropping to a 4x5, but that’s just my taste.
Beautiful image.
Sweet pose and light, David. The open beak and angle add a lot to this image. I am fine with the size of the kingfisher in the frame as it is. The kingfishers I have seen have been very skittish, so congrats on your set up and this shot.