Alafia river state park in Florida. This was taken at the end of a long hike and I was lucky to capture this vulture in flight bisecting the clouds.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
any is welcome.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
any is welcome
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Single image 80mm 1/160s f 11 or so.
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Catching the vulture between the clouds like that adds a really nice touch to this scene. Great timing to get it. I like the composition, which feels very well balanced, The asymmetric arrangement of the clouds is very well done. I think this a very strong composition. Well done.
In terms of processing, I think the highlights could be slightly brighter, the histogram of this image has a fair amount of space to the right. This would add some more contrast in the sky and trees, which I think would add some vitality to the image. Adding some contrast in the sky might also make the vulture stand out a little more. The vignette in the UR corner feels a bit heavy relative to the ULC.
Thank you. I’ll revisit the tonal range. I do like dark images… So my histograms are often left weighted. What I like to do is make the image very dark and then start pulling highlights out of the interesting areas. I’ve been shooting exclusive black and white for about three months so I’m still trying to find my groove.
Okay… came back with fresh eyes this morning and I can definitely see how flat the image looked. Thanks for the help and let me know what you think of the new version .